Cancer Treatments - Fakih Fertility Center
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  • Navigating Breast Cancer and FertilityFriday, October 27, 2023

    Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is a life-altering event, and for those who dream of building a family, it can be...
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    6 Ways to boost fertility during summer travelWednesday, August 2, 2023

    Summer is a time for adventure, exploration, and making memories. However, if you're trying to conceive, planning sum...
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    What is unexplained infertility?Monday, June 26, 2023

    Unexplained infertility is when fertility testing hasn't found a cause to explain a person or couples infertility. It...
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    The Relationship Between Exercise and FertilityMonday, May 22, 2023

    If you are trying to conceive or want to improve your chances of conceiving in the future, it’s important to understa...
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    Supporting Loved Ones with infertility on Mother’s DayMonday, March 20, 2023

    For many people, Mother’s Day is a time for cherishing the relationships between mothers and children. Mother’s Day c...
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    Holiday Foods to avoid while pregnantFriday, December 23, 2022

    Many conscientious expecting mothers are very careful about their diets while pregnant, as they understand the impact...
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    Pregnancy after breast cancer treatmentFriday, October 28, 2022

    Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women. Some women are diagnosed with breast cancer at an age whe...
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    10 Myths About FertilityWednesday, June 29, 2022

    Infertility Awareness Month is celebrated every June to increase awareness regarding numerous infertility issues face...
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    Do you have an Ovulation Disorder?Wednesday, May 25, 2022

    When you start your fertility journey, one of the first things your specialist will look at is whether you are ovulat...
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    Fasting during pregnancyTuesday, April 26, 2022

    Fasting during Ramadan bothers many expectant mothers. Questions on whether or not it is safe to fast during pregnanc...
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    Workplace Chemical Hazards and the Reproductive HealthTuesday, March 22, 2022

    Where you work, how you work, and what you work with can affect your reproductive health or your family’s health. Wom...
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    Female Fertility & Age Monday, February 28, 2022

    Why does age matters for women who want to have a family? A woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have. As sh...
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    8 Ways to Enjoy the Festive Season When You’re PregnantSunday, December 19, 2021

    The festive season is generally a pretty time with lots of people to see, places to go. Being pregnant during the fes...
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    Chemotherapy and Egg FreezingMonday, October 25, 2021

    If you are diagnosed with breast cancer and need to undergo chemotherapy, you will need to bear in mind fertility pre...
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    Is IVF treatment more successful in summer?Monday, August 23, 2021

    How many times have you thought about when it would be better to start your treatment? And when is the best season to...
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    Father’s Day and male infertilityTuesday, June 15, 2021

    You’re not alone if you’re feeling sad or angry when you’re facing Father’s Day and infertility. Many hopeful dads fi...
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    How to Handle Mother’s Day after a miscarriage?Thursday, March 25, 2021

    Mother’s Day after a miscarriage can be a really painful day to endure. Unlike many other mothers, you will not be ab...
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    The link between fibroids and fertilitySunday, February 28, 2021

    If you’re struggling to conceive then one reason could be that you might have fibroids. Uterine fibroids are non...
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    Why Positivity Matters in Pregnancy?Friday, January 29, 2021

    When you are pregnant, your baby is exposed to everything you experience.  When you feel happy and calm, it...
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    How to deal with infertility during the festive seasonWednesday, December 23, 2020

    While the holidays can be a time of joy and merriment, but if you are experiencing fertility problems, you may s...
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    Movember… Male reproductive healthTuesday, November 17, 2020

    Movember is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of all the men in our life. The month commitment to Mo...
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    8 Myths About PCOSThursday, September 24, 2020

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) occurs due to a hormonal disorder, and it affects women of reproductive age fro...
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    8 Top Questions About Egg FreezingSunday, March 29, 2020

    Some women experience stress and anxiety regarding infertility when they plan to delay motherhood. Every woman i...
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    What is a fertility check-up?Saturday, February 22, 2020

    Infertility is a serious worry for many couples because it's a diagnosis that has the potential to dramatically alter...
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    7 Pregnancy Care Tips during Winter SeasonWednesday, January 22, 2020

    Pregnancy sometimes becomes a little difficult during winter months for some expectant mothers. They become susc...
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    MovemberFriday, November 29, 2019

    Movember is an annual event involving the growing of mustaches during November to raise awareness of men's health iss...
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