Obstetrics - Fakih Fertility Center
  • العربية
  • Obstetrics

    Fakih Fertility Center’s medical team includes experts in Obstetrics, Gynecology, Infertility, Urology and Internal Medicine. The education and extensive experience of our physicians allows Fakih IVF Center to provide unparalleled health care service in Qatar.

    Fakih IVF Center has a team of expert Obstetricians available to care for you during your pregnancy. Some information on the topics that are important to consider during your pregnancy are mentioned below. To discuss any of this information with your physician or any other questions or concerns you may have, book an appointment at Fakih IVF Center today.

    • Breastfeeding 
    • Pregnancy & Diet
    • Complications
      • Deep Vein Thrombosis
      • Gestational Diabetes
      • Pre-eclampsia
    • Pre-conception Counseling