Fibroids, Polyps And Adenomyosis - Fakih Fertility Center
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  • Fibroids, Polyps And Adenomyosis

    Fibroids, polyps and adenomyosis are different types of growths that may grow on the reproductive organs of a woman and negatively effect fertility. A short summary of each can be found below.

    Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that range in size and grow in or around the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

    • Symptoms: Irregular menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, frequent urination, difficulty emptying the bladder, constipation, pain during intercourse, backache or leg pain and sometimes asymptomatic

    Polyps are small, typically benign (non-cancerous) growths, that grow on the endometrium (uterine lining), cervix and vagina.

    Adenomyosis occurs when endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, grows into the myometrium, or muscular layer of the uterus. The exact cause of adenomyosis is unknown however it is most often present in women above 40 years old or those who have had more than 3 or 4 children.

    • Symptoms: Most commonly no symptoms, heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, severe or sharp menstrual
      bleeding, cramps that last throughout the period, pain during intercourse, spotting between periods, passing blood clots during your period, and tender or enlarged abdomen

    Fakih IVF Fertility Center has many years of experience in helping couples with the above conditions conceive and removing these growths, if they are causing discomfort. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms or have questions or concerns you would like to discuss with an IVF Specialist, schedule an appointment today.