Saturday, February 6, 2016
Dear Dream Team, Yes because you are all contributing to the Realization of our dreams…. I had very bad Fibroid so I had to go through 10 years of unsuccessful Programm and surgery (8 in total). All doctors I met told me to do a Hysterectomy. But removing this organ was also removing the possibility of a miracle to happen, so i decided to keep it… I even forgot the idea of becoming pregnant one day until I came accross your Website… I thought your success rate was due to a selection of your patients, but taking care of my “case” (almost 40 with several surgeries on the Uterus and unsuccessful Treatment) showed me I was wrong. At this stage we knew you had something special. I ll never forget the day when you placed the fertilized egg back in me (06/04/2012) you told me “You’ll be pregnant”… You are just AMAZING !!! and this is what we tell us with my husband almost everyday by looking at our Baby boy growing. Your Increasing success rates despite welcoming new desperate couples who already experienced unsuccessful treatment shows how much uncreadibly good you are in what you do. Our European Doctors could learn sooo much from you, above all that nothing is never impossible. Please share your precious knowledge !!! I have no clue on how and what you do different rather than other doctors I met but you are definitely a pioneer in this science. Thank you for fulfilling our lifes with this unique Joy. Take care Vanessa