Movember… Male reproductive health
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Movember is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of all the men in our life. The month commitment to Movember takes on three serious issues facing men’s health – prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health.
Testicular health and prostate health are naturally some of the topics that initially spring to mind, but what about hormonal health and fertility? Although commonly associated with women, fertility is as much a health concern for men as it is for women. Around one-third of fertility problems lie solely with the male.
Possible direct causes for male infertility include:
– Damage to the testicles because of disease or trauma.
– Ejaculation problems.
– Low levels of testosterone.
– A sperm blockage.
– Low sperm count.
– Decreased sperm mobility.
And a range of other health problems can also indirectly affect male fertility, including Hormonal issues, poor diet, sexually transmitted infections, which, if left untreated, can cause infertility, weight, and stress
Testicular cancer and the removal of one testicle should not alter your ability to conceive naturally. The effect on fertility following removal of one of the testicles is minimal as a single testicle produces such large numbers of sperm. Men with testicular cancer should talk to their oncologist about sperm freezing before commencing chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
The prostate gland plays a role in sexual reproduction. Prostate cancer and many of its treatments affect fertility in several ways. For example, if a male has surgery to remove either the prostate gland or the testicles, it will affect semen production and fertility.
Also, radiation therapy can affect prostate tissue, damaging sperm, and reducing the amount of semen for transporting it. Hormonal treatment can also affect fertility.
Additionally, sperm freezing to preserve your fertility, extracting sperm directly from the testicles might be another option. After harvesting sperm from testicular tissue, a single microscopic sperm is injected into a single microscopic egg. If an embryo forms, it is implanted into the woman’s uterine wall and allowed to grow.
Men’s Health Awareness Month is about more than a month of mustaches. By investing in your health at a young age, men can ensure they’re in the best possible position to meet their goals and live a long and happy life.
Take one more positive step towards securing your future by checking up on your sperm health this Movember, Fakih IVF is offering you a free semen analysis and Free consultation till November 30, 2020.